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ars-imago FX Universal Fixer 500ml

10.90 € 10.90 €
(0.0% Off)

ars-imago FX Universal Fixer 500ml


10.90 € 10.90 € 10.9 EUR

10.90 €

(0.0% Off)

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ARS-IMAGO FX FIXER UNIVERSAL è un fissaggio acido universale, non indurente, per pellicole e carte in bianco e nero (ricetta Agfa Agefix).

 It's a liquid solution, highly concentrated one, based on ammonium thiosulfate. Depending on the dilution it can be used as a standard fixer or a rapid one. 


PREPARATION: To prepare the needed working solution quantity, dilute the concentrate fixer with running water. Standard dilution 1+7 or 1+9; rapid fixer dilution 1+5. 

 Dilution for film: 

  •  7 parts of water + 1 part of fixer = working solution 
  •  5 parts of water + 1 part of fixer = working solution 

 Dilution for paper: 

  •  7 parts of water + 1 part of fixer = working solution 
  •  9 parts of water + 1 part of fixer = working solution 

TEMPERATURA: Mantenere la temperatura costante a una differenza massima di 5° dal bagno di sviluppo.

AGITAZIONE: Seguire la modalità utilizzata nel bagno di sviluppo.

TEMPI DI TRATTAMENTO: Consultare i tempi riportati nella tabella della scheda tecnica del prodotto.

CAPACITA': Consultare la tabella della scheda tecnica del prodotto.

DURATA: Il prodotto concentrato si conserva per almeno 2 anni nella confezione originale. Si consiglia di utilizzare la soluzione di lavoro entro 3 mesi dall’apertura.


Chimici ars-imago

Four (more) good reasons to develop your B&W films!  

The new line of ars-imago produced and distributed products, dedicated to all the photographers, from the beginner to the professional, comes from a specific need: spread the use of film and the traditional analog techniques, looking towards the future.   


  • The answer is simple: because all the users request this, to innovate and maintain a high attention on photography, to guide the user in the wide world of analog products and to offer quality and alternatives 


  • Through research and individuation of simple and professional basic products to develop and print.   
  • All of the ars-imago chemicals have been tested thoroughly and the result is clearly presented to the final user. The product have specific features that can be followed through standard proceedings or by user's experimentation, through dialogue and verification with the ars-imago staff.   
  • The technical datasheets, available in the digital format, will be extendable documents through the users' experience and through tests ars-imago is and will coordinate, with the goal to constantly increase the quantity of available informations.   

 Why choose ars-imago chemicals?   

  • To purchase professional photography products for analog photography at a fair price without losing the quality of the big brands.   
  • To help us in our project and product research: the ars-imago chemicals line won't be just about basic chemicals but will explore the many possibilities offered by analog photography!   






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