Bellini ECN2 Processing Kit (color negative motion picture) - 1000ml
Bellini ECN2 Processing Kit (color negative motion picture) - 1000ml
ECN2 Home Processing Kit
ECN2 chemistry is used in the motion picture industry to process colour film stocks such as Kodak Vision films and the old Fuji Eterna & Reala motion picture films.
This kit contains:
• Prebath 1 It ready to use and re-use
• Chemical concentrates to make 1 It each of reusable: Developer, Stop Bath, Bleach and Fixer
• Chemical concentrate to make up 10lt of reusable final rinse / stabliser
Guide to Remjet removal within the ECN2 process:
With reference to the processing guide overleaf this is how to get rid of Remjet:
1- Add enough pre-bath to submerge all films in your tank for 10 seconds.
2- Wash until water runs clean and clear. Use gentlye agitation.
3 - Follow datasheet below for steps: Develop, Stop, Bleach & Fix
5- Remove films form tank one at a time. Wash them under running water and use new soft cotton wool to wipe away any remaining traces of Remjet. Non-emulsion side only!
6- Stabilise in Final Rinse for about 30 second then hang to dry.
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