imago250 is a motion picture film that was created by recovering cine film pizzas and is rewound to be shot with common 35mm cameras. The pizzas used are not expired or old leftovers!
It is a daylight 250 ISOfilm, balanced for shooting in daylight (5500K°). It is suitable for shooting in all light conditions and features excellent exposure latitude in high light, allowing more information to be captured.
Even in the case of under-exposure the grain is very fine, so the film is excellent in all shooting conditions and offers a lot of creative possibilities.
The improvements made by Kodak on this film allow for excellent results when scanning digitally, as it is very easy to post-produce.
Development information:
It can only be developed with ECN-2 colour process (no C-41).
Film development and scanning can be requested in our shop (Development 6.50€ / Development+scanning 12.00€).
You can bring the films in store or ship them . For info click here
Color negative
250 ISO
Fine grain
Good for scanning
Easy post-production